Timeline of 2024 Design Awards
August 16: Registration opens
September 27: Registration closes at 11:59 PM
October 4: The file submissions for all Awards are due at 11:59 PM
December 6: Presentation Boards due to location and hours specificed in instructions
December 7: AIA Florida Southwest Design & Honor Awards presentation at the Artis-Naples
Timeline of 2024 Honor Awards
August 16: Registration opens
September 27: Nominations for Honor Awards are due at 11:59 PM
December 7: AIA Florida Southwest Design & Honor Awards presentation at the Artis-Naples
August 16: Registration opens
September 27: Registration closes at 11:59 PM
October 4: The file submissions for all Awards are due at 11:59 PM
December 6: Presentation Boards due to location and hours specificed in instructions
December 7: AIA Florida Southwest Design & Honor Awards presentation at the Artis-Naples
Timeline of 2024 Honor Awards
August 16: Registration opens
September 27: Nominations for Honor Awards are due at 11:59 PM
December 7: AIA Florida Southwest Design & Honor Awards presentation at the Artis-Naples